Point-Of-Care Dispensing
Point-Of-Care Dispensing (POCD)
Physician Dispensing providers are proliferating. But WRS is one of the few that’s trusted over time, with 12+ years in orthopedic healing.
We know what works. And we understand that even the simplest change is tough in a busy practice. So our local support is there 24/7, to help integrate your dispensing program into your day-to-day workflow, seamlessly.
WRS Point-of-Care Dispensing (POCD) offers:
- benefits of working with a comprehensive, committed, stringently compliant group
- added support of a large, trusted re-packager
- decades of experience in helping practices and patients in workers’ comp, post-op situations
Immediate dispensing can make all the difference. Our non-opioid formulary and multidisciplinary approach to healing can help manage patient’s pain through non-narcotic alternatives.
Ready access to treatment helps to save you time and saves patients added pain, as post-op treatment regimens begin faster. So patients may return to work faster, too. Along with our on-call pharmacist support for any questions that arise, together, we can fight today’s opioid epidemic.
WRS POCD leverages tech to make dispensing easy on the practice and advantageous to the client in making the right medications accessible on time. Your practice can do more, earn more, and help more patients with our simple, complete, and fully compliant system.
Our goal is to always remove cost from episodes of care. WRS programs recommend generic, conservative, non-opioid formulary, from reputable manufacturers. We also keep payor needs top-of-mind, without OTC mark-ups or price-gouging compound meds. And our experience with work-comp specifics helps ensure all get what they need.
Above all, we stay patient-centered — because getting them better, faster, means ALL outcomes are for the best.